Split bill calculator(Amount and number of people only)

When you enter the billing amount and number of people, the system automatically rounds the amount and easily splits the bill.

Bill $
Number of people people

Split bill calculation result

How to use Split bill calculator(Amount and number of people only)

You can easily calculate the amount to be paid per person and split the bill just from the payment amount and the number of people.

The rounding unit will be automatically determined according to the amount, and it will display whether the fraction is given as change or when one person is paying.

If it can be divided justly, only one way will be displayed.

Handling fractions

The rounding unit changes depending on the amount paid per person, such as if the amount paid per person is 100$ or more, the rounding unit is set to 10$.

Since it is calculated automatically, you can easily ask for split bill.

Payment amount per personRounding unit
100$ or more10$
50$ or more5$
10$ or more1$
1$ or more0.1$
Less than 1$0.01$