Split bill calculator

Enter the bill amount and number of people, and the bill will be split.

Bill $
Number of people people
How to divide
Number of people people

Split bill calculation result

How to use Split bill calculator

You can split the bill by calculating the amount to be paid per person based on the amount to be paid and the number of people.This is a convenient site where you can set the amount to be rounded to 1$, 10$, etc., and set whether fractions are to be changed or paid by one person.

If you want to divide it evenly

When you enter the bill and number of people, the calculation results will show the person paying, number of people, amount, etc.

If you set the division method to "Divide evenly and fractions are change", the total payment will be rounded to the minimum amount that exceeds your bill, and the remaining amount will be displayed as change.

If the division method is set to "Divide evenly and one pays fraction", the bill will be divided using the maximum amount that does not exceed the total payment amount in rounding units.The remaining amount can be given to one person, so it will be displayed as the person paying the fraction and the other person.

If you want to change the amount of some people

If you check "Put conditions on some people", you can calculate the amount by changing it only for specific people.

Specify amount for some people

By selecting "$" as the condition for some people, you can fix the amount only for specific people.

It can be used when only the secretary pays 20$ or when the boss pays 100$.

Only some people pay the difference

By selecting "$ more" or "$ less" as the condition for some people, you can make a difference in the amount only for specific people.

This can be used when seniors pay 20$ more, or when men want to pay 10$ more than women at a group date, etc.

Make a difference in the amount for some people only

By selecting "% more" or "% less" for some people's conditions, you can also add a difference to the amount of money only for specific people.

This can be used when men want to spend about 20% more than women at group parties or drinking parties.

Precautions for use

Please note that if the amount is rounded to a larger unit, or if a difference is added to the amount, the condition may not be reflected at all due to the rounding process.